1. 本報名表為冬令會成人和兒童營. 參加青少年營的青少年請單獨通過青少年營會的鏈接報名,住宿將與青少年們在一起。
2. 个人需准备之文件
a. 所有參加营會者(成人及兒童),營地規定到達營地前必須从網上填妥 Shocco Waiver & Release Form:
b. 所有兒童須填妥 ACCCNW Activity and Medical Waiver Form:
3. 填写报名表
b. 一房一表:一家人,或願同住的同性朋友,請填寫同一張報名表:仅需填表人之电话及电邮
i. 个人资料部分,必需填写每位报名者中英文姓名,年齡群。18 歲以下請填在校年級。
ii. 请注明住宿选择(2 晚 6 餐/2 晚 6 餐(在校生))。注:0-17 岁金额为与父母同住一房之费用, 與父母同住的青少年必須參加成人的營會。
iii. 不住宿餐费請自行向營地 Bagley Center 服务台交付,請自由奉獻分擔大會費用。
b. 因營地房間有限,請單人參加者自動安排二人一間,並填在同一張報名表上
单獨報名者我們將安排您與其他同性朋友一起住,原则为二人一间;同性別大學生可能 3 或 4 人一間(膳宿費$50 優惠)
4. 报名缴费
a. 本次報名直接在網上支付. 可以採用PayPal, Venmo 或 信用卡支付. 建議大家使用PayPal 的銀行支付功能, 以節省主辦單位的信用卡支付手續費.
1. This registration form is for the adult winter retreat and children's camps. Teenagers participating in the Youth Camp should register separately through the Youth Camp link, and accommodations will be arranged with other teenagers.
2. Documents to be prepared by individuals:
a. For all participants (adults and children), the camp requires that the Shocco Waiver & Release Form be completed online before arriving at the camp:
b. All children must complete the ACCCNW Activity and Medical Waiver Form:
3. Completing the registration form:
a. One room, one form: For family members or same-gender friends who wish to stay together, please fill out the same registration form; only the phone number and email of the person filling out the form are required.
i. In the personal information section, please fill in the full Chinese and English names and age group for each registrant. For those under 18, please indicate their current grade level.
ii. Please specify the accommodation option (2 nights with 6 meals/2 nights with 6 meals for students). Note: The fee for those aged 0-17 is based on staying in the same room with their parents, and teenagers staying with their parents must participate in the adult camp.
iii. For those not staying overnight, please pay the meal fee directly at the Bagley Center service desk at the camp, and freely donate to share the conference costs.
b. Due to limited room availability at the camp, solo participants will automatically be assigned to share a room with another person, and should be listed on the same registration form.
For solo registrants, we will arrange for you to stay with other same-gender friends. The principle is two people per room; for same-gender college students, there may be 3 or 4 people per room (with a $50 accommodation discount).
4. Registration and payment:
a. This registration and payment will be completed online. You may use PayPal, Venmo, or a credit card for payment. We recommend using PayPal's bank transfer option to help the organizers save on credit card processing fees.