AND/BOTH Podcast guest request
We are looking for stories of women that are honoring themselves and their goals while living in the "a good mom.." world of shoulds. How we maintain individuality, work towards goals and how that may have changed over time.

There are lots of incredible stories out there that aren't being told that other moms in the thick of newborn exhaustion, school aged craziness, teenagers or empty nesters can relate to. There may be common themes or a look ahead at the next phase of parenthood and how that may impact our experience as we move in that direction. There will be a few "stock" questions (tell the listeners about you, etc) but really it's intended to be a conversation tailored to each individual guest.

If you would like to be part of the conversation please fill out the form below!
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Correo *
First & Last Name *
Tell us a little bit about yourself (we use this on the episode page)- quick bio format is great!  *
Why would you like to be on AND/BOTH? Is there an aspect of the AND/BOTH dynamic of motherhood that you resonate with (career, individuality, hobby, etc)? *
Would you like to stay up to date with all things Podcast and Dovetail related with our weekly newsletter- Planners and Progress? Check yes and I'll add you to the list *
Have we connected on Instagram yet? Find us over at @andboth_podcast *
Do you know someone that may be a great guest? Word of mouth referrals are awesome, so if you know someone that may be a great fit- leave their contact info and we'll reach out!

OR- please let us know, here, if you were referred by a previous guest 
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