Universal Free School Meal Survey for Parents and Carers

You will no doubt have heard about the Mayor of London’s proposal that all primary school children should receive a free school meal from September 2023. Children in Reception and Years 1 and 2 currently receive free meals but the idea is to expand it to all years.

Even now the funding for free meals in Reception and Years 1 and 2 does not cover the costs of meal provision and supervision. Based on the predictive funding figures that we are likely to receive in order to expand the provision throughout the school, there will be a shortfall and the funding will not cover the overheads that it costs to provide the meals.

In order to help us review the impact of this proposal on staffing and the financial impact this will have on the school, we would really appreciate it if all parents and carers could answer the following survey by Friday 5th May

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If Universal Free School Meals were introduced to all primary school year groups would your child take up the free school meal?

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If you answered 'No' to the question above, please tell us why?

Would you be prepared to cover the difference between the cost of staffing overheads and the actual cost of the meal provision to the school?

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Any comments/thoughts?
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