2019 Towson University Honors College Orientation Registration
**Please note: this registration form is only for incoming students who were admitted to the Honors College for fall 2019**

Welcome to the Honors College at Towson University!  As a member of the incoming (new and transferring students) Honors College class, you are required to attend Honors College Orientation. Honors College Orientation will take place on Wednesday, August 21-Thursday, August 22.

Honors College Orientation is a great opportunity for you to meet your peers, familiarize yourself with the Towson University campus and the Honors College, meet honors faculty and staff, and participate in team-building activities. Full itineraries for the program will be available in mid-August.

A "common read" will be part of your Honors orientation experience at Towson University. Students are expected to read the book during the summer months and be prepared to discuss the book at Honors Orientation. Discussion questions will be posted prior to orientation. This year's common read is "What the Eyes Don't See: A Story of Crisis, Resistance, and Hope in an American City" by Mona Hanna-Attisha. The chosen book is widely available for students to pick up from stores, online, or borrowed for free from a local library.

If you have an on-campus housing assignment, you will be able to move in to your assigned room on the morning of Wednesday, August 2,1 prior to the start of orientation. Please note, if your roommate is not a member of the Honors College, that person cannot move in early. The TU Housing and Residence Life office will send information regarding move-in including move-in day parking passes later in the summer. Any questions regarding move-in or housing assignments must be directed to the TU Housing and Residence Life office (Phone: 410-704-2516 E-mail: housing@towson.edu).

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 410-704-4677 or at honors@towson.edu. The deadline to submit this form is June 30, 2019. We look forward to seeing you in August!

-The Honors College Staff and Orientation Mentor Team

**Enter your official Towson email address below. All official communications to you will be sent to your Towson email address.**
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
I preferred to be called:
Preferred Pronoun/Name
e.g. He/Him, She/Her, They/Theirs, your preferred qualifier, etc.
Cell Phone Number
This number will be shared with your Honors Orientation Leader for emergencies during Orientation.
Facebook Information
If you would like, please provide your unique Facebook URL to help us find you on Facebook so that you can be added to the Honors groups. This is not mandatory, but it will make it easier for you to find/access the incoming Honors Facebook group.
Are you transferring from another institution, a first-year student, or an internal transfer (someone who was an TU student last semester)? *
Will you attend Honors College Orientation? *
If you are not able to attend orientation, please use the space below to provide a detailed explanation of why you are unable to attend, as this is a required event.
Are you a mature/non-traditional student? *
Mature/non-Traditional students can fit into many categories: (1) those over the age of 23; (2) parents (or individuals with other dependents); (3) students returning to college after a break in education; (4) veteran students; and (5) students working a full-time job while they take courses.
Will you be commuting or living on campus? *
If you are a member of an athletic team or in a University band at Towson University, please write the name of the team or band in the space below.
In which academic college is your intended major? *
If you will have more than one major that exist in two different colleges, please choose your strongest academic preference. We try to organize at least one orientation activity with students in similar majors. If you're not sure which college your major is located in you can visit the following link and click through on your intended major to see the college: https://www.towson.edu/academics/undergraduate/majors/.
Please list any dietary restrictions.
Please provide specific food allergy information and specific examples of food choices that are acceptable for your diet.
Do you require a special accomodation related to ability?
Please explain the accommodation needed so that we may modify or adjust portions of the orientation program in order to eliminate or minimize ability-related barriers and enable all students to participate.
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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