2022 Rising Star Award Nomination
Established in 2015, the Rising Star award is presented annually by the National Consumer Law Center's Partners Council. The award honors an attorney or attorneys in practice for 15 years or less who have made a major contribution to consumer law by trying or settling one or more highly successful and significant cases within the past two years. 

A subcommittee, composed of members of NCLC's Partners Council, will evaluate each nominated case using the below criteria. We welcome all qualified nominees for consideration, and especially encourage nominators to consider putting forward candidates from a diverse array of backgrounds. If you wish to make a nomination, please start by entering your email below.
The award nomination process will close on September 12th, 2022. Nominators are strongly encouraged to submit their nominations prior to this date. 
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The cases won or settled by nominees may cover a broad range of consumer law, including but not limited to debt collection, credit cards, student loans, mortgage-related activity, truth in lending, auto sales or loans, bankruptcy, privacy, and racial justice. The case must meet this criteria:
▪ The impact on consumers and consumer law. This may include the consumer law issues that were litigated, the novelty of the issues involved, the importance of the case, the extent of relief, the number of people affected, the changes in industry practice, whether it affected others similarly situated, and whether the case made "new law.”
▪ The commitment, perseverance, and expertise of the lawyer involved, including the length of the case, the strategic and tactical skill involved, the obstacles and pitfalls overcome, the difficulty of the procedural hurdles, and trial strategy.  
▪ The deleterious effects of the defendant's conduct. This includes the enormity of the wrong committed by the defendant and the degree of suffering or victimization of the plaintiffs.
▪ The result: specific relief obtained and whether it is final, including the amount of damages and/or the nature and extent of relief obtained, and any other results obtained.
If your nominee meets the above requirements, please fill out all sections of this form and submit all attachments via email to awards@nclc.org
Note: this form will not be saved until fully submitted. For assistance or questions, please contact awards@nclc.org
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