Thank you for expressing interest in our Diploma Courses in Ancient Western Languages!
The application arrangement for this course follows a three-step flow of “Registration, Notification, Enrolment” applies. If you are interested in our courses in ancient western languages, please fill in the required information in this online registration form to complete the first step of course application.
If you have any questions, please contact us at hotline: (+853 8592 5688) or email ( during operation hours.
Operation Hours of USJ Lifelong Learning Office: (GMT+8) Monday to Friday 10:00—13:30; 14:30—19:00 (except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)
感謝 閣下對我們的古代西方語言文憑課程的興趣!
課程報名安排以「先登記,後通知,再報名」方式進行。如閣下 感興趣報讀我們的古代西方語言課程,請先填妥此網上報名表內所須資料完成課程登記。
如有疑問,歡迎於辦公時間內致電(+853 8592 5688)或電郵到(查詢。
(GMT+8) 星期一至五 10:00—13:30; 14:30—19:00(星期六、日及公眾假期除外)