BigCommerceDevs Slack: Member Application
šŸ‘‹ Hi there!
Glad to see that you're interested in joining our Slack workspace dedicated for Developers.

For context, the BigCommerce Developer Community is a global network of BigCommerce technical Partners and freelance developers who utilize the platform to build solutions for BigCommerce customers, and this Slack workspace is one places that devs gather. Tell us about yourself and we'll get things started!

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Email *
Your Name *
Twitter Handle (if applicable)
Github handle or link.
Company Name *
What is your job title? *
Does your role sit under your company's developer/engineering department? Reminder: This Community is a space exclusively for technical roles! *
Tell us a little more about what you do in your role that this community can help you with? *
What is your relationship with BigCommerce? *
If you're a BigCommerce Technical Partner, please enter your Partner ID.
How did you learn about our Slack community? *
If you were referred by a BigCommerce employee or another community member, who referred you? (First and last name)
Tell us about the projects you are building or exploring on BigCommerce. *
What is your goal in joining the Slack community? *
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