Open Source Microfactory STEAM Camp
Survey ragarding Candidates' capacity for  running Open Source Microfactory STEAM Camps. Overview post about the STEAM Camp is found at . This form should take about 15 minutes, please tell us a good time for you for a conference call.
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Name *
Email *
What is your location? City, State, Country. *
Your Website
YouTube or other Site
How did you find out about the Open Source Microfactory STEAM Camp invitation? *
How does the Open Source Microfactory STEAM Camp offer fit with your work and interests? *
Can you fulfill all the responsibilities required to develop and run the STEAM Camp? *
Why do you think that open source is important? *
Do you have teaching experience?  Please explain. *
Do you have entrepreneurship experience? Did you ever start a business? *
Please provide one or more links to your open source-licensed work. If you have none, please indicate. *
Which part of the STEAM Camp Curriculum could you help us develop? *
Please see the full breakdown of the STEAM Camp curriculum into bite-size modules at  - and put your name in red next to your selected items.  Curriculum development requires documentation and prototyping in order to produce well-refined and replicable products for kits that we use during STEAM Camps. The kits are also intended to be part of a basic OSE Dev Kit. If you can't help on the curriculum, wirte 'none'.
Do you have the required time to prepare curriculum and learn from others? *
Of the diverse aspects of Open Source Ecology's work - which ones are you most interested in? *
Include up to 5 from - open source collaboration, machines (which one?), learning from others, making a living, teaching, circular economy, product development, solving pressing world issues,  appropriate technology. marketing, research, joining a tribe, personal development, entrepreneurship, etc.
What venue near you would you suggest for the  Open Source Microfactory STEAM Camp? *
STEAM Camps are run in multiple locations worldwide at the same time
Would a 9 day STEAM Camp fit in your schedule? How often would you be able to run a STEAM Camp? *
What impact would you like to see come out of the Open Source Microfactory STEAM Camp program? *
Would you be interested in continuing with the STEAM Camps as a way to make a living? *
Our longer term vision is to start open source microfactories in many locations, and to start full OSE Campuses.  Are you interested in building microfactories or Campuses to serve your local community? *
What do you think is the single largest need or gap that the Open Source Microfactory STEAM Camp can address? *
Do you have any questions regarding the STEAM Camps? *
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