New Utah Birding Spots Submission
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Hotspot Name in eBird *
Link to eBird Hotspot
Description *
Give a general description of the location, the type of habitat, and surrounding habitats.  Lsit nearest city, what borders it etc.  Anything pertinent to the overall description.  If there are entrance fees, private property, or any contact info regarding the site include here as well
Birding *
Talk about what kind of birds, when they are present, where to look for them and list out any notable sightings in ALL CAPS.  Any tips from personal experience are also useful
Directions to the location.  Best or most direct route from point in a nearby town, or road.  If multiple entry points you can list multiple directions.
Photo to Use
Link to a URL of a photo you have or a publicly available photo of the location.
Your Name *
Your Email Address *
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