Phoenix Garden Volunteer Registration Form
Thank you for your interest in volunteering opportunities at The Phoenix Garden. By providing your details you consent to being contacted by a representative of The Phoenix Garden about volunteering opportunities. Your details will not be shared or used for marketing purposes.
Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
Address *
Emergency Contact Details *
Please detail name, contact number and relationship to you
Do you have any access requirements? *
Are there any health issues or medical conditions we should be aware of? *
Which gardening session would you like to join? It will help us to know how many people are planning to attend a specific session however, you can also attend at a time that is convenient to you.  Please note, we will need to arrange a health and safety induction on your first session. *
Are you interested in supporting any other activities in the garden? Some of the activities listed below will require a DBS check. *
What would you like to achieve from becoming a volunteer? Please tick all that apply. *
From time to time we photograph the work of our volunteers to feature across our social media platforms and website. Do you consent for your image to be used? *
How did you find out about Volunteering at The Phoenix Garden
I have read and agree to follow The Phoenix Garden's Volunteer Code of Conduct and Social Media Policy. Please Date and Sign. *
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This form was created inside of Covent Garden Dragon Hall Trust.

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