Raffle:  adidas SPEZIAL SS24 - drop 2
Below you will find the raffle entry form for the second drop of adidas SPEZIAL SS24 collection releasing on Friday the 24th of May. Fill out the form below and make sure you fill out the form completely, incomplete forms will be disregarded.


1. Only one raffle form entry is allowed per person, sending in multiple entries will mean all entries will be canceled. The raffle closes on Thursday the 23rd of May 2024 at 8:00AM CEST. All winners will be contacted via e-mail or Whatsapp on the same day for further information and the following steps.

2. You will have the choice to pick up the items at our Terrace store, or ship out your order:

- Picking up the shoes in person has to happen on Friday, at Calico Club / terrace in Venlo. You are allowed to use a third-party pick-up, however, the name given has to correspond with the raffle winner. As all pairs are spoken for at that time, no changes in sizes can be made.

- If you choose to have us ship out your order, we will send you a payment request via our payment provider, Adyen to your e-mail address or via Whatsapp. Payment of the shoes (via iDeal, credit card or PayPal) and shipping costs to your location has to happen within 12 hours of receiving the payment request. Failure to pay in this time window will mean the pair will be offered to someone else. Successful payment means your order will be shipped out on the day of the release.

3. Follow us on INSTAGRAM.

If you have any questions, please contact us by sending an e-mail to customerservice@calicoclubstore.com.
Best of luck to you all!

Calico Club / terrace
Parade 45, 5911CB
Venlo, The Netherlands

*Online purchases are covered by the Dutch 'Wet Koop op Afstand'.
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