MAEAP Contact Form
The MAEAP program is for Michigan farmers who want to do their part to be good neighbors and stand out from the rest as a top steward of Michigan’s land and water. Contact us today to schedule a free and 100% confidential visit with your local MAEAP technician to discuss whether this voluntary program is right for you.

The MAEAP program recognizes and rewards top stewards of the land. This is a state program delivered by conservation districts, local leaders you know. Everything that we learn about your Farm is 100% confidential. This is guaranteed by state law.

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First Name
Last Name *
Email Address
Phone Number *
What is the best time to follow up with you? *
What county is your farm located in? *
How have you heard about the MAEAP program? Check all that apply: *
How did you first hear about MAEAP?
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