RSVP: April 26th Health Justice Rally and Press Conference in Albany #PassNYHealth #EndMedical Debt
Every New Yorker deserves affordable, accessible, culturally competent, and comprehensive healthcare and to be free from the burden of medical costs. Our lives are on the line.  

Join Campaign for NY Health, NY State Nurses Association, and statewide partners to rally to End Medical Debt  and Pass the NY Health Act Tuesday, April 26th in Albany! Community groups, Labor, and legislators will march, rally, and speak in one voice to demand elected leaders prioritize achieving meaningful reforms to advance health justice before they go on recess on June 2 to campaign for re-election.

Please fill out this RSVP form no later than Tuesday April 18 if you are interested in joining us. Your response is necessary to help us determine the logistics of transportation and COVID-19 safety.

A campaign organizer will followup with you to confirm final transportation and COVID safety logistics so that you can take those details into consideration when confirming your attendance.

Rochester activists: Find details for your transportation here:

We are aware of the heightened safety/risk-sensitivity for people who are at high risk of COVID-19 (immunocompromised, live with chronic illness and/or disabled) in organizing shared transport.  

This is a full day commitment. People should arrive in Albany by 10:00am, and expect to depart Albany for home around 3:30pm. Transportation details from your region will be provided separately by the organization anchoring your region’s contingent. You will receive departure location, time, and method of transport no later than Thursday, April 21st.

Lunch will be provided. Dietary information will be collected during the final confirmation of your RSVP.

We look forward to winning the New York Health Act with you!

Invite your organization, members, friends, community!
Event Page:

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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone number (cell/mobile is preferred) *
Street address *
Zip code *
City of residence *
Are you a volunteer, member, or staff person at an organization affiliated with the Campaign for NY Health? If so, name the organization and your title (if applicable). *
Have you received vaccination & booster for COVID-19? Proof of vaccination & booster will be required to board the bus (for example: physical card, photo of card, via NYS Excelsior app - *
Are you comfortable riding a shared bus to Albany if all passengers are masked and fully vaccinated? *
Are you comfortable riding a carpool to Albany if all passengers are masked and fully vaccinated? *
If we need a carpool, do you have a car and would you drive people? *
If you are at high-risk for COVID, are there any additional precautions/group travel arrangements for us to consider when organizing transport that would help facilitate your participation? [please check all that apply]
If you are able to drive people to Albany, would you like reimbursement for gas?
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If we rent a bus for transportation from your city, will you make a donation towards the cost? *
Do you have any accessibility needs or concerns?
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
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