Audition Registration - Firebringer*
Please prepare a 30-45 second solo vocal performance OF YOUR CHOOSING (not from Firebringer), showcasing your range, and be prepared with a 30-45 second monologue (not from Firebringer). Students auditioning must be age 14/rising 9th grade+. Auditions will be held July 27th 4 pm - 6 pm (students may leave after their audition or stay for Song & Dance 3 auditions) Rehearsals run the week of Aug. 11 through Oct. 26 Thursdays 7:30-8:30 pm and Fridays 6-9 pm Tech rehearsals for cast: Oct. 19, Q2Q 1, 3-7 pm Oct. 20, Costume Parade and Q2Q 2, 3-7 pm Oct. 27, Tech Run, 3-7 pm Oct. 28, 29 & 30, Dress Rehearsals, 6 - 9:30 pm Oct. 31, Quick Run (if needed!) Nov. 7, Brush Up (if needed) Performances take place Nov. 1-3 and Nov. 8-10 Fee: $450 (to be paid in 3 monthly installments of $150) Email with any questions, including instructions on submitting video auditions.

At the dawn of humanity, one tribe of cave-people survives the many trials of prehistoric life under the wise leadership of Jemilla, The Peacemaker. Jemilla taught her people to express themselves, rather than bashing each others' heads with rocks and eating each others' babies.

But one member of the tribe doesn't seem to fit in: Zazzalil. She's always trying to invent things to make life easier… for herself. While out hatching her latest scheme, Zazzalil stumbles upon the most important discovery in history. One that will pit her tribe against wooly mammoths, saber-toothed tigers, and change the world forever. She'll travel from omega to alpha, and become… the Firebringer!

Firebringer is a comedy musical with music and lyrics by Meredith Stepien and Mark Swiderski and a book by Matt Lang, Nick Lang, and Brian Holden with additional writing by Stepien. It was the 10th staged show produced by StarKid Productions.

*Please be aware that all roles are very silly, requiring actors who are comfortable with coarse language and able to make fun of themselves. The show is an absurd comedy.

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Performer's Name *
Performer's Preferred Pronouns *
Performer's Phone Number *
Performer's Email *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian Email *
More info. about the cast of Firebringer:
"Gender: Female-presenting, Vocal Range: Mezzo-Soprano (F3-D5) Role: Lead The leader of the tribe. Charismatic, Confident, protective, and motherly, but a little arrogant and stuck in past ways."

"Gender: Female-presenting, Vocal Range: Mezzo-Soprano (G3-D5) Role: Lead One of the tribe's gatherers. A Creative and innovative, but lazy inventor. Revolutionary thinker, but doesn’t always consider the consequences of their actions."

"Gender: Non-binary, Vocal Range: Alto or high baritone (G3-E5) Sings in an Enya type voice at the end of the show. Role: Supporting The odd one of the tribe. Their vocabulary is seemingly limited. They do attempt to communicate to the tribe despite this to a varying degree of success."

"Gender: Male presenting, Vocal Range: Baritone (but little to no singing). Role: Cameo, will also double as puppeteer and Ensemble. The handsome leader of the “other” tribe who partners with Jemilla when she leaves the tribe."

"Gender: Female-presenting, Vocal Range: Mezzo-soprano (A3-C5) Role: Supporting The tribe's head gatherer. Not too bright, but kind and empathetic. Zazzalil’s supportive Best Friend."

"Gender: Female or Male, Vocal Range: Non Singing Role Role: The tribe’s former leader who has passed on the role to Jemilla, and is now walking the Earth while serving as our comic narrator. passed on the role to Jemilla, and is now walking the Earth while serving as our comic narrator."

"Gender: Female presenting, Vocal Range: Mezzo-Soprano (G3-D5) Role: Supporting The tribe taste-tester. Analytical, cautious but curious to learn or experience new things. A bookish, but sweet type."

"Gender: Male presenting, Vocal Range: High Baritone (C3-F4) Role: Supporting An Outsider to the tribe. Timid and sensitive, wants to feel included and tries hard to do so despite failures. Quirky."

"Gender: Female presenting, Vocal Range: Mezzo-Soprano (A3-D5) Role: Supporting The standup comedian of the tribe who invents the first joke and keeps her tribe in stitches"

"Gender: Male presenting, Vocal Range: High Baritone (A2-F4) Role: Supporting The religious leader of the tribe. Uses position in the tribe for his own gain. Self-serving, opportunistic and privileged."

Tiblyn/Kid 1
"Gender: Female presenting, Vocal Range: Mezzo-Soprano (B3-D5) Role: Supporting The hard worker of the tribe. Loyal and dedicated to the tribe and their task, a hopeless romantic. Innocent, yet determined."

Smelly-Balls/Kid 2
"Gender: Male presenting, Vocal Range: High baritone (A2-F4) Role: Supporting The “dude” of the tribe. Not so bright. When it comes to bravery, all bark and no bite. Think Bill and Ted, Wayne’s World, or Beavis and Butthead."

Plus a small ensemble of other Neanderthals. 
What role(s) are you auditioning for? *
Would you accept any role? *
Please list previous production experience (roles/years/director or location): 
Please list previous theatre training in acting, music and/or dance: 
Please list any special talents (tumbling tricks, whistling, accents, instruments, stage combat, etc.): 
Please list any schedule conflicts with the following:

Auditions will be held July 27th 4 pm - 6 pm (students may leave after their audition unless they are staying for Mainstage Song & Dance 3 auditions at 6 pm) Rehearsals run the week of Aug. 11 through Oct. 26 Thursdays 7:30-8:30 pm and Fridays 6-9 pm Tech rehearsals for cast: Oct. 19, Q2Q 1, 3-7 pm Oct. 20, Costume Parade and Q2Q 2, 3-7 pm Oct. 27, Tech Run, 3-7 pm Oct. 28, 29 & 30, Dress Rehearsals, 6 - 9:30 pm Oct. 31, Quick Run (if needed!) Nov. 7, Brush Up (if needed) Performances take place Nov. 1-3 and Nov. 8-10
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