J2 Spring Practice Exam 1 (3/2024) Brk-1 U6/7
Units 6/7
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Listening Section: Listen to the dialogues and answer the questions.
PART 1: Listen to someone shopping. Write the correct information.
#1. The first bag costs $_______. *
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#2. The second bag costs $_______. *
#3. She doesn't like the second bag's ____________. *
#4. The first shoes she sees are from _________. *
#5. The seller offers her the second pair of shoes for $_________. *
#6. However, the girl says she will only buy them for $_________. *
PART 2: Listen to people discussing shopping in Hong Kong.
Q.#7-12  Listen and choose if the statement is true or false. *
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Hong Kong has markets, but no shopping malls.
Hong Kong has a bird market.
Stanley Market is a great place to buy presents.
The best time to go to Stanley market is 11pm.
Lady's Market is only open at night.
Temple Street Market also has clothes, but no food or snacks.
#13. The woman says that _______ love John Barlow's books. *
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#14. In this set you get _____ books. *
#15. The price for all the books is ______. *
#16. The new TW400 is very _________, thin and light. *
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#17. The new TW400 costs only $_________________. *
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#18. The Watson DVD Record comes in two colors, black or *
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#19. The Watson DVD Record costs only $_________________. *
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#20. The man and his friend like to go shopping... *
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#21. When he actually wants to buy things, he prefers to go shopping *
#22. To get to his favorite stores, he has to... *
#23. Although the stores in Shelbyville are far, the ____________ there are great! *
PART 5: Listen to the sentence and write the missing word.
#24. (1.) How much is this ______________? *
#25. (2.)Do you want to go shopping on __________? *
#26. (3.)Sorry. Where is the  __________ on these jeans? *
#27. (4.) Are those ______________ expensive? *
#28. (5.)Do you like these _______________? *
#29. (6.)Is that your ______________ store? *
#30. (7.)What do you spend your money ______? *
#31. (8.)Where do you __________ your clothes? *
PART 6: Listen to the sentence and write the missing word.
#32. (1) Are you _________ for a job? *
#33. (2) John's ___________ is a doctor. *
#34. (3) Is Sally __________ to use a computer? *
#35. (4)  Can I have ______________ a little later? *
#36. (5) The ___________ is arriving at the station. *
#37. (6)  That woman is ______________ to the next neighborhood. *
PART 7: Listen to the sentence and write the missing word.
#38 -#45. Choose if the sentence is true or false. *
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Amanda is the man's sister.
Amanda is working as a tour guide.
Lucy is living in London.
Lucy is a teacher.
His brother, Peter, works in Hong Kong.
Peter is a nurse.
Peter's wife wants to start a restaurant.
Julian is the man's friend.
Video 1: A Special Market:
#46.  The train passes the market every day at .... *
#47.  The market is famous for produce (fruits and vegetables) and ____________. *
#48 Which came first, the market or the train? *
#49 Before the train comes, there is an alarm that gives the sellers ____ minutes to move all of their things. *
#50 As you can see, many people come to.... *
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Video 2:  A Special Market 2:
#51 The guide calls these special markets, "The ______________ Markets." *
#52 Which DIDN'T you see or hear being sold at the market? *
#53 At the end of the video, the guide is eating mango with... *
Video 3:  Kuroshio Market, near Osaka.
#54 From the video, we can guess this market is famous for... *
#55 The man at the beginning of the video is ... *
#56 Visitors to the market can... *
#57 This market looks to be very _________. *
Video 4:  A 'New' Toy
#58 The movie is about a new toy, the hula hoop. At first, the toy costs  XXX. (don't write the .  Ex: 2.00 -> 200) *
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#59 At first, the toy doesn't sell well, so the price goes down. What was the lowest price you see?  *
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#60 Finally, the hula hoop becomes popular because... *
#61 Because it is so popular, the hula hoop's price goes up! What is the HIGHEST price you see! 
    (don't write the .  Ex: 2.00 -> 200)
Grammar and Vocabulary:
Write the correct (verb + ing!)
Q#62.: The girl is ___________ a ball, but she isn't very good! *
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Q#63.: The lady is ______________ the ball, but but a boy takes it first! =( *
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Q#64.: The man wants to drink soda, but he is _________ a mask! *
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Q.#65 The boy is ____________ on his chair. I think his test is finished! *
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BACKUP LISTENINGS: If listenings don't work, please try here.
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