Webinar: Epic Game Store for Mobile
What new opportunities the  Epic Game Store for Mobile will bring for you?  

Thanks to European Digital Markets act, third party stores are entering the markets. EGDF will organise series of webinars with them and other platforms to help European game developers to identify key new  (crossplatform) opportunities for them in the new market environment. 

Join us on the 9th of October, 16:00CET, to hear how Epic replies to questions from game developers.

As EGDF has worked for years to open Apple Appstore and Google PlayStore for competition, we want to hear from you what are the main obstacles blocking you from entering third party mobile stores. When you register for the call, please reply to our questionnaire. All individual answers will be strictly confidential and only aggregated data will be published. The outcomes of the survey will be shared with European decision makers and used to help third-party application stores to launch their services in the EU.

The event is only open for game developer studios and game industry trade association representatives.
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Registration for the call with EPIC mobile game store
Your name *
Your email address *
Would you like to receive the link to the webinar with EPIC? *
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Do you have any specific question(s) on EPIC Mobile Game Store? 
Developer survey on the implementation of the Digital Markets Act 
1. What kind of game developer studio are you?

How would you describe your interest in mobile game distribution? (Choose one):

We are the following size (Choose one)  :

On mobile, we currently distribute via (Choose all that apply):

In the future, we are interested in distribution on mobile via the following alternative channels (Choose all that apply): 

2. Considerations associated with third party stores or distribution

Which of the following are important considerations when thinking about which channel you would distribute your games on? (For each bullet, choose: not important at all/not important/important/very important):

Not important at all
Not important
Very important
The revenue share taken by any application store or platform
The ability to choose a payment provider or method of your choice
The ability to communicate with players and customers
The ability to enable a consistent experience for all of your players across different platforms
Privacy and safety measures provided by the platform or application store
The number of users on the platform
Discovery of your apps by the store

When thinking about distributing your game on an alternative marketplace or distribution channel that is not Apple’s App Store or Google’s Play Store, which of the following apply to you? (Choose all that apply): 

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