Delavan Anonymous Reporting Form
You can help others by reporting observed threats, behaviors, actions, and harassment. 

Use this form to report and suspicious behavior, threats, or observations. All responses will remain anonymous. 

If you need IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE, locate a teacher, administrator or call 911.

This form generates a report that is normally reviewed during school hours and should not be used if you need an immediate response. 
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Please select the threat category *
Location of threat

Please provide details about where the threat took place, whether it was on school ground, online, or off campus.
Description of threat

Please provide details about what happened, what you heard, or what you saw.
Do you wish to be contacted by the administration or law enforcement regarding this threat?

Circle One:
Yes or No

If Yes, please leave your email address or phone number. 

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This form was created inside of Delavan CUSD #703. Report Abuse