Bayshore Gardens Community Survey
This survey will be used to collect community input for how our assessment dollars are spent and what projects best represent the needs of our community.  Your address will only be used to ensure there is one response per household and it will not be correlated with any responses. All questions are voluntary, other than those marked with a red *. This is intended to be an anonymous survey for the residents within the Bayshore Gardens special tax district.
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What is your address (street number and name only)?  *
How long have you lived at that address?
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How many persons live at your address?
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What age ranges live in your household? (Check all that apply)
Do you own or rent your home? *
Please rate the following activities or facilities, using the below numbering system:
1 - Would very much support this amenity
2 - Would somewhat support this amenity
3 - Am neutral regarding this amenity
4. - Would not support this amenity.
*Please note that amenities over $25,000.00 require a community referendum and vote. The cost would be made available prior to the vote. The cost of higher priced facilities can be apportioned (saved for) over several years. You may find a more detailed explanation of the some of the proposed projects here.
Covered outdoor exercise area and equipment
Fitness and nature trail with exercise stations
Restoration of the beach area
Restoration of the ball field
Add soccer goals to ball field
72-hour Marina slip (short term docking)
Increase dock capacity at the boat ramp
Add heating and cooling to the pool (to allow for comfortable year-round use)
Solar panels for rec center and pool (to reduce electricity costs)
Children's splash park
Zero depth entrance kiddie pool
Lights for basketball and pickleball courts
Kayak rental for residents
Please let us know of any other amenity not listed that you would like to see financed through our assessment dollars.
Do you prefer to receive future community surveys using a web-based platform or paper?
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The “Bayshore Banner” is the communication tool used by the Board of Trustees, clubs, and organizations to inform residents of District happenings. 
Do you receive the Bayshore Banner each month online? It can be found at or sent directly to your email inbox.
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