UP DOST Scholars’ Association, officially recognized in 1979, is a non-stock, non-profit, socio-academic organization of DOST scholars in UP Diliman. The organization aims to promote science awareness among the Filipino youth, advance science education in the Philippines, and enhance the development of each of its member's skills and potentials.
This May 4, 2019, UP DOST SA will be holding its annual Sponsor-A-Kid (SA Kid) program. This is an outreach-oriented event aiming to promote science consciousness and to inspire and connect with Filipino children. This year’s SA Kid will be celebrated with the theme “Astromoyun?!” where children coming from Children’s Rehabilitation Center (in Project 4, Quezon City) will be taught basic scientific concepts through interactive science-related activities. These activities are designed to improve their scientific awareness and to inspire them to be the future scholars of our country. This event is a way of the scholars to give back through community service and to create a greater impact on the Filipino children.
In line with this, we would like to invite you/your family as donors. Your participation will definitely ensure this program to be as successful as we picture it to be.
For questions and concerns, don't hesitate to contact:
Jarmaine Joyce B. Cabatuando
Marketing Head, Sponsor-A-Kid 2019
jarmainecabatuando@gmail.com, 09199918110
Cleo Angela Dumoloy
Marketing Associate, Sponsor-A-Kid 2019
cldumoloy@up.edu.ph, 09661624526
You can also message our facebook page at
facebook.com/updostsa or you can email us at
official.updostsa@gmail.comRest assured that we would be treating everything that you put in this form with the utmost confidentiality.