Homework: Earth Observations of Blue Carbon Ecosystems
This homework includes questions from both parts of the training series. You might want to record your answers on a sheet of paper or word document before submitting them here. You will not be able to save your answers and return to complete this form at a later time.

To receive a certificate of completion, you must have attended both parts and have completed this homework by December 19, 2024. Once you submit the homework, you will receive an email with a copy of your responses.

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What makes mangrove, sea grass, and salt marsh ecosystems actionable for climate mitigation? *
5 points
What makes blue carbon ecosystems distinct from other carbon ecosystems? *
5 points
There is a single mangrove mapping method that should be used for all objectives, such as mapping mangrove extent and change for national level reporting, or mapping mangroves to develop and sell blue carbon credits. *
5 points

There are several existing datasets available for mangrove extent, height, and biomass.  What are some key considerations when choosing a dataset?

A) Spatial Resolution

B) Date Range

C) Dataset Calibration over your Region of Interest

5 points
What characteristic of mangrove ecosystems can be measured using remote sensing techniques and is directly related to biomass estimation, and subsequently mangrove ecosystem carbon stock? *
5 points

When using remote sensing information to map salt marsh extent, what variables or characteristics increase the accuracy of classification? 

A) Elevation

B) Lower Spatial Resolution

C) Higher Spatial Resolution

D) Single Image

E) Multi-Day Image Composite

5 points
When using remote sensing observations to map seagrass extent, high tide conditions are desired for ideal detection. *
5 points
For Tier 1 analyses, carbon stocks can be estimated by multiplying the ecosystem extent and a global Tier 1 estimate of carbon per hectare for that ecosystem. *
5 points
Earth observation data of carbon stocks in blue carbon ecosystems can inform decision making in which of the following contexts? *
5 points
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