Sign for Delivery - Alpha Test Signup
Fill out this form to get on the list of alpha testers. If you're picked, you'll receive pre-alpha versions of the game, before any of it is released to the public, and you'll be expected to play it for at least a few hours and provide feedback on it.

For more information about the game, check out
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
To take part in the alpha testing, you need to be a member of our Discord channel. All communication regarding these alpha tests will happen through Discord. Join with the invite link: 
What is your Discord handle? *
Include the number, e.g. yourname#1234 (and make sure you've joined our Discord server so we can contact you)
What are some of your favourite games in the management / simulation / tycoon genre (and why)?
We'd love to know how experienced you are with these kinds of games. Write as much or as little as you want (or even nothing at all).
Have you helped playtest video games before?
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How much time do you spend playing video games per week, approximately?
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