Promote your brand to 47,000+ operators in tech and beyond
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This is an opportunity to connect with a community of thoughtful, rigorous operators. My readership consists of high performing ICs and managers looking to improve their marketing, leadership, management, communication, and executional effectiveness.

What's included: When you purchase a newsletter sponsorship, you get one ad to feature your product/brand in my weekly newsletter. Your ad will have preferred placement and will be the only ad in the newsletter.

Newsletter reach: 47,000+ subscribers

AudienceMarketers, product managers, founders, software engineers, UX designers, account executives, and employees at tech companies and startups

Publish date8:00am ET every Wednesday morning

Open rate: 40-50%+

Investment: $3k

NOTE: I rarely promote products or services, so when I do, my audience knows it’s something I endorse. This means I'll check out your product and make sure it's a fit because I want the sponsorship to be rewarding for your brand and useful for my readers. 

Also, if you're looking for a mass audience of low-quality readers, this isn't it. This is a curated group of thoughtful builders in SF, NYC, and beyond. If that's who you want to reach, I'm excited to meet you.
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Some of the 40,000+ readers of Wes Kao's Newsletter
1. What's your company? *
2. What is your website URL? *
3. In 1-2 sentences, what does your company do? *
4. What's your name? *
5. What's your email? *
6. What makes you interested in sponsoring this newsletter? I'd love to learn more about you, so thanks in advance for sharing.
7. Anything else you'd like to share? (Optional)
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