Houston Venture Labs - Pre-founder Application
Thank you for your interest in our Digital Health Venture Studio! We're excited about the prospect of supporting your journey from pre-founder to founder 🤓

Please complete the questions and we'll get back to you shortly with our decision. 

Feel free to watch our introductory video to learn more about us. You can contact us at simmy@houstonventurelabs.com or nikhita@houstonventurelabs.com
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email *
Cofounder Name(s) (if applicable)
Cofounder Email(s) (if applicable)
LinkedIn Profile
What gives you an 'unfair advantage' over the competition in your market of interest?   *
What problem are you solving and who specifically has that problem?
Please record a short Loom video, 
1) introducing yourself and;
2) answering: what are you struggling with and how do you think we can help in regards to starting your digital health startup?

Please paste the URL to the video here.  
How did you hear about us? 
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