OMNI General Liability Waiver
OMNI SPORTS is the parent company to (OMNI Volleyball).

  I acknowledge that volleyball or any sporting event is an extreme test of a person's physical and mental limits and that my participation or attendance in an event held at this facility can cause potential death, serious injury, or property damage. With a full understanding of the potential risks, I HEREBY ASSUME THE RISKS OF PARTICIPATING, OFFICIATING OR ATTENDING AN EVENT AT THE OMNI SPORTS FACILITY.

  I hereby take the following action for myself, my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors and assigns: a) I WAIVE, RELEASE, AND DISCHARGE from any and all claims or liabilities for death or personal injury or damages of any kind, EXCEPT THAT WHICH IS THE RESULT OF GROSS NEGLIGENCE AND/OR WANTON MISCONDUCT OF PERSONS OR ENTITIES LISTED BELOW, which arise out of or relate to my traveling to and from or my participation or attendance in any event held at the OMNI Sports facility, THE FOLLOWING PERSONS OR ENTITIES: OMNI SPORTS, OMNI VOLLEYBALL, Touch Shooting LLC, and the officers,
directors, employees, contractors, representatives, and agents of any of the above; b) I AGREE NOT TO SUE any of the persons or entities listed above for any of the claims or liabilities that I have waived, released or discharged herein; and c) I INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS the persons or entities mentioned above from any claims made or liabilities assessed against them as a result of my actions.


The following is prohibited:

1. Possession, use or distribution of alcohol, tobacco, vaping devices or e-cigarettes.
2. Physical damage to a facility or theft of items from a room, common area, court space or other person.
3. Possession of fireworks, ammunition, firearms, or other weapons or any item or material which by commonly accepted practices and principles would be a hazard or harmful to other persons.
4. Any action considered to be an offense under Federal, State or local law ordinances.
5. Conduct which is inappropriate as determined by comparison to normally accepted behavior.
6. Physical, verbal or sexual harassment, intimidation or altercation with any individual.

Violation of the above can lead to immediate removal from the premises, law enforcement or legal action. OMNI SPORTS reserves the right of removal of any person(s) from the facility at any time.
  • I have read and understand the OMNI SPORTS Facility Code of Conduct and Policy
  • I agree to abide by the policy set forth by OMNI Sports and its facility.
  • I understand that, if I violate the OMNI SPORTS Facility Code of Conduct and Policy, I may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with OMNI SPORTS and/or local law enforcement.

If applicant is under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian must execute, in addition to the foregoing Waiver and Release, the following, for and on behalf of the minor.

  The undersigned parent and natural guardian or legal guardian of the applicant, executes the foregoing Waiver and Release for and on behalf of the minor named herein. I hereby bind myself, the minor and all other assigns to the terms of the Waiver and Release. I represent that I have legal capacity and authority to act for and on behalf of the minor named herein, and I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the persons or entities named in the Waiver and Release for any claims or liabilities assessed against them as a result of any insufficiency of my legal capacity or authority to act for and on behalf of the minor in the execution of the Waiver and Release. I fully consent to me child's attendance and/or participation in OMNI SPORTS facility events.
Email *
Filled Form out Previously? this form must be filled out each time you are in attendance for any reason in our facility. *
Email *
Parent/Guardian First Name *
Parent/Guardian Last Name *
Player/Attendee First Name *
Player/Attendee Last Name *
Reason for Visit *
Visitor Consent (if 18 or older) *
Parent/Guardian Consent (for participants under 18) *
Visitor Signature (if 18 or older): By typing your name in the designated "Signature" space below, you agree to the terms of this OMNI SPORTS General Liability Waiver.
Parent/Guardian Signature (for participants under 18): By typing your name in the designated "Signature" space below, you agree to the terms of this OMNI SPORTS General Liability Waiver.
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