Hey buddy! What's your problem?
You have problems, we have a podcast to make. Let's work together here.

Problems submitted will going into the Big Database of Problems for the podcast "A Problem Squared" made by Bec Hill and Matt Parker.

If you just want to listen to the podcast, head over here: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/a-problem-squared
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What is your name?
You can use a pseudonym or leave this blank if you would rather be anonymous. And let us know if you'd like specific pronouns.
Do you have an electronic mail address?
We may get in touch with extra questions to guide us in the problem solving  process. If you provide an email we will only use it for the purposes of solving your problem.
Do you support us on Patreon?
If yes, please use the same email address you use on Patreon. If no, don't worry: we welcome problems from all listeners. Details about our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/aproblemsquared
Alright, what's your problem?
PS Are you part of the problem or part of the solution? (This is to flag up people who want to submit something other than a problem. If you're posing a problem you can ignore it.)
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