Mastercard focus group/video - intake form
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Mastercard is looking to learn more about certain types of people and their financial needs. As part of this initiative, they plan to conduct interviews (on Zoom) and then film short videos bringing to life what they've learned. Involvement will require a 20-minute screening call, a 75-minute interview, and then 6-8 hours of filming. Participants will be compensated $1,800-$4,000, depending on how they're classified. Are you interested in participating?
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Name? (First name, last initial is fine)
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Where are you located? (City, state/province)
What best describes your work situation?
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What is the highest level of education you've completed?
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What language(s) do you speak?
If you are a business owner, briefly describe your business.
Have you or an immediate family member ever been employed in any of the following industries?
Which of the following statements best describes your role when it comes to making decisions regarding financial matters and credit card acquisition/usage within your household?
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What is your estimated annual household income?
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For this next question, we’re going to ask you about your investable assets across bank accounts (personal, saving, money market, or trust accounts), retirement (401(k), IRAs, etc.), and investment accounts (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, commodities, annuities, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETF), etc.). This does not include land or real estate. Please know all information collected will be held in the strictest of confidence and used for internal research purposes only.

What is the approximate total value of your investable assets?

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Do you currently have a credit card?
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Think about all your personal credit cards. How much do you spend each month, across all personal credit cards?
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How interested are you in keeping up with new financial or investment products/services such as (not limited to) open banking, cryptocurrency, crowdfunding, etc.?
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Thinking about an average month, how much do you spend all together on variable expenses? By variable expenses we mean expenses that vary in the amount you pay each month, like groceries, dining out, gas, vehicle expenses, clothing, fashion/shopping, entertainment, fitness, gadgets, home improvement, travel, etc. Your best guess is fine but please provide one amount and not a range.

In a typical month, how much do you spend in each category?
Arts & culture
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How strongly do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
I tend to be very anxious about things outside my control
I constantly explore new topics and ideas
I find it difficult to talk to people whether I know them or not
I feel most energized being around other people (vs alone)
To me, wealth is more about having free time to do what I love, rather than money
I prefer assets that may be riskier but have the opportunity to grow significantly over time (e.g. stocks, real estate)
I prefer assets that grow more steadily over time but are safer (e.g. cash)
I have delayed big life events due to my financial situation
I'm very open to taking risks to improve my finances
The financial system takes advantage of people like me
I have been given opportunities to achieve financial progress
I am open to paying an annual fee on my credit card if it's offset by benefits
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Of the following statements, select the THREE that best describe you.
Briefly describe why you chose the statements above

Which of the following best describes when you buy or try out new technology? By “new technology,” we mean things like the latest smartphones, home devices, smart wearables, etc.

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Do you generally consider yourself an optimist, pessimist, etc?
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What is your ethnicity?
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Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
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Do you identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community?
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Have you participated in a focus group before, and if so, how many/how long ago/what topic?
What is your phone number? (You can choose not to provide it, but then PLEASE make sure to check your email *including the spam folder* so we can get in touch with you if you qualify.)
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