Registration form- The CRISPR revolution 2024
Dear applicant, thank you for your interest in joining the EMBL Science Education and Public Engagement self-paced course "The CRISPR revolution- a course for educators and CRISPR enthusiasts". The course is open for participation from 1 May to 9 June 2024.

Please complete the short registration form and make sure you enjoy the free online content we have in store for you. 

Note: You will be granted access to the course upon submission of this form until 9 June 2024, no later than 9 am (Europe/Berlin). Upon enrolment, you will receive an email with the link to the course.

Thank you for joining us!
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Last name *
Email *
Country *
How did you hear about the course? *
Please make yourself familiar with the terms and conditions for participating in our courses and on data protection. Your agreement towards these terms and conditions is required before you can continue with applying for the course.
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