Survey: The human experience in public spaces
This survey has been developed to evaluate the experience of people with disabilities when they have to leave their house/office to perform activities in public areas.

The survey seeks to identify problems and barriers that people with disabilities face when they are in public spaces.

We respect participants’ privacy. Any provided information will be treated confidentially and used for academic matters. No identifying information will be collected, published or transferred to any other person.

You may stop answering the questions whenever you want. Please complete as many questions as you can, or choose to answer.

Consider public space as the sharable social space outside of your home, office, classroom etc. Generally, public spaces are open and accessible to people. Examples of public spaces: streets, avenues, subway stations, building entrance halls etc.

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1. Are you a person with a disability? *
2. If you answered YES to Question 1, which disability?
3. Age? *
4. Gender? *
If you answered "Other", please, name it.
5. City? *
6. Country? *
7. For which of the following activities you do connect to the Internet using a smartphone or other equipment? (Check all answers that apply)
If you answered "Other activities", please, describe them.
8. How often do you use your mobile device (mobile phone,  tablet …) to access apps or to connect the Internet?
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9. Do you connect to the Internet when you are outside or in public areas?
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10. If you answered YES to Question 9, what for?
11. Which of the following activities do you perform outside of your home/office and where your mobile device would help you taking into account your current position? (check all answers that apply)
If you answered "Other activities", please, describe them.
For questions 12,13, 14 and 15, imagine the following situation: You have an extremely important appointment in a neighborhood where you have never been before and you aren’t familiar with the area.
12. How would you get information about the neighborhood and how to arrive at the meeting on time?
13. What kind of information about the neighborhood do you think is useful to have before leaving your home to go to the meeting?
14. What kind of problems would you face on your way to appointment’s place?
15. What do you think would help you to solve your problems?
16. How do you usually solve unexpected problems that happen in public spaces?
17. When you arrive in a place where you have never been before how do you discover if the place provides assistive technology for people with disabilities (such as Braille signs, accessibility ramps, elevator etc.) and, if they are provided, how do you find them?
18. Mark the following alphabetically-ordered words that describe your feelings when you are outside (check all answers that apply):
If you answered "Other", please, describe them.
19. How would you describe your overall evaluation of the assistive technology provided in public areas by your city?
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20. Describe the reasons of your overall evaluation of the assistive technology provided in public areas by your city:
21. Have you ever experienced any emergency or embarrassing situation in a public space (such as getting lost or needing to go to the restroom)? If yes, describe some of these situations and how you dealt with it?
22. Could you describe some situations in the city that are impossible to do by yourself and in which you need someone’s assistance?
23. What does mean the expression “quality of life” concerning living in a city mean for you?
24. Have you heard about progress or innovations for people with disabilities that are provided in other cities that you would like to have in your city as well?
25. How do you think your city could be more efficient helping you and other PwD to perform your daily activities in urban areas?
26. Mark the following goals that you think should be priorities for local government (check all answers that apply)
27. Concerning the previous questions (Question 26), would you add other goals?
28. Please add any other comments you may have related to your experiences in urban spaces here:
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