Scholarship Application
This form is for those who wish to take a Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) course with United General District 304. MHFA prepares adults aged 18+ to identify, understand and respond effectively to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges in people around them. We believe cost should not be a barrier to this lifesaving course

The National Council for Mental Wellbeing, the organization that manages all MHFA courses in the United States, requires specific participant materials for the evidence-based curriculum. The standard training cost of $25 per person covers these materials, including access to the online MHFA Connect site; participant manuals/training guides; and additional printed resources.

Completing this form does not guarantee admission to a MHFA course nor a complete scholarship to attend a course. You will be notified via email by the instructor upon award of a scholarship.
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Please choose the level of scholarship funding you wish to apply for:
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Is there a specific MHFA training you wish to attend? Please provide the date below (MM/DD/YY):
Please provide brief responses to the following questions:
What interested you in the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) course? *
How do you plan to apply what you learn in the MHFA course within your community? *
Please provide your contact information:
Full name (First, Last) *
Email address *
Phone number
If financial costs are partially or fully covered by a scholarship, MHFA still requires and investment of time and active engagement by all participants. By checking this box, you agree to complete all pre and post-work, as well as attend the full instructor-led training course, if awarded a scholarship. *
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