West Bank Music Festival - Coupon Book!
Not all West Bank businesses participate in the West Bank Music Festival - but we want them ALL to benefit. So the West Bank Business Association is putting together a coupon card and booklet that will be distributed to guests of the festival. Guests will be invited to come back to the West Bank after the festival to use all the great discounts. Area business are eligible to participate for free!  

It’s easy! You set the discount. We make the book.

Looking for coupon ideas? Visit wbba.thewestbank.org for some inspiration.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Business Name *
What is the name of your business?
Describe your business. *
In one or two sentences, describe what you do. Are you a restaurant? Example: "The Cedar Cultural Center is a non-profit theater that hosts over 150 concerts, dances and community events each year." Do not include your website here - there will be a space for that later.
Business Phone # *
This will be published with your coupon.
Address *
City *
To participate in this program, you must be a West Bank area business or organization.
Business website
Please provide a URL link to your logo.
For example, our logo can be found at: "http://www.thewestbank.org/images/logo.png." If you do not include a link to your logo, we will not include your logo in the booklet.
What is your coupon or discount? *
For some examples, please visit:
What are your coupon exceptions?
For example: "Not valid on holidays. Limit one per table." The default expiration date will be 12/31/12. If you'd like an earlier expiration date, please note the date here.
Contact Name *
Who can we contact for questions about your coupon? We will not publish this information.
Contact Phone *
Please provide us with the best number to reach you if we have any questions about your coupon discount. This number will not be shared or published.
Email *
We will contact you via email about program updates and information. We will not publish or share your email.
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