NW Michigan Garden Assets for Community
If you have land, tools, seeds, or plants to share—or are in need of land, tools, seeds, or plants—let us know.

This neighbor to neighbor effort is looking to link garden resources to people interested to grow food plants this season. We believe that there is tremendous potential to grow more food right here in NW Michigan through our combined individual efforts.

If you are planning to grow food plants for yourself (and possibly to share with others) please respond to our victory grower sign up form by copying this link into your web browser https://bit.ly/victorygrowerNWMI

Your information will be kept confidential and will only be used to link the resources you are offering to willing gardeners. Email victorygrowers@gmail.com to learn more about these efforts.

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What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
(If this information is being entered by someone other than the primary respondent) This information was entered by:
Please include name and contact information.
Email address *
If you have no email just enter NA and please provide your phone number below.
Phone Number
Will you please provide your phone number if you would prefer phone as your primary form of coordination.
What is the plant growing supply/resource you can offer directly or recommend? *
Remember we seek in particular: seeds, starts, tools, soil amendments, irrigation, garden space etc.)
How would you categorize the resource(s) you are offering?
Are you offering this directly or is this a referral to an asset you know about? *
For referrals: Please only share what you have verified and have permission to share. Please provide contact information you are permitted to share below for referrals.
If this is a referral, what is the name, email and/or phone number to follow up with  about this garden asset?
In what county is this garden asset offered? *
What is the town where these garden assets are located? *
Please share the address where these materials are located to further assist us in connecting these garden materials with interested growers (optional).
I am willing to help coordinate efforts to connect garden resources with interested growers! I can spend _____ hours per week assisting (enter a number) .
Anything else?
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