The purpose of this research is to interview as many leaders of groups or publicly outspoken supporters of what the mainstream media refers to as “white nationalism” as possible, to discuss their ideologies, political goals, views on American politics, and where the various individuals believe their groups and/or movement is headed.
If you have any questions regarding this study, please contact the Principal Investigator, Dr. Christina Cliff, at or leave a voice message at 413-296-1488. If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact the Franklin Pierce University Institutional Review Board at
Your participation in this study is voluntary. You are free to make your own choice about participating in this study and may quit at any time. Should you decide to end your participation, simply let the researcher know if you would like all of your previous interview responses removed from the study.
If you would prefer to have a pseudonym used in any published research, please indicate that on the form below. Your real name must be on the informed consent form, but this form will be stored separately from any interview material, and an assigned pseudonym will be used to label all raw interview data as well as in any published work.
In order to participate in this research study, it is necessary that you give your informed consent. By signing and returning this informed consent form, you are indicating that you understand the nature of the research study and your role in that research, and that you agree to participate in the research. Please consider the following before signing:
I understand that I am participating in political science research.
I understand that participation in research is voluntary and that after the research project has begun, I may refuse to participate further. I understand that I can request to have any data collected prior to my refusal to participate be deleted/excluded from research.
I understand that there could be some social impacts involved with participating in this research should I advocate a belief or ideology considered “outside mainstream beliefs.”
I understand that there could be a risk of criminal or civil liability should I volunteer information relating to illegal activities. I understand that the researcher will not deliberately ask questions that seek this sort of admission.
I understand that all interviews will be recorded.
By signing this form, I am stating that I am 18 years of age or older, understand the above information, and consent to participate in this study. Electronic signatures are acceptable.