Barber/Braider/Stylist Contact Info
Hello everyone! Thank you so much for your interest in volunteering for our 5th  ANNUAL Back to School Rally!!!!!!  Every year gets bigger and better!  The Sevynteenth Foundation is so happy to have you!

The date this year is Sunday, August 7th!

Please fill out the information below if you are able to volunteer!

**The event will be held in Garfield Heights!

 Contact Ashley at 216-338-4099 if you have any questions!
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Name *
Phone Number *
Social Media Handles
Email *
Are you available to arrive on August 7th? *
How many hours or styles are you able to volunteer? (I.e 3 hours or 5 styles or haircuts). Braiding styles are simple styles like a crown braid, 2 -4 feeders etc.) The rally is from noon until 5pm.  The bulk of students will arrive at 12pm. *
Please choose: *
Do you currently work in a salon or barbershop?
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If yes, what is the name of your home salon or barbershop?
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