AU inverter brand reputation survey

Solis Australasia & NZ thanks you for taking the time to answer this quick survey and will reward TWO randomly selected entries with a $50 Amazon eGift Card each.


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Are you answering as an: *
Name (only complete if you wish to enter the prize draw)
Email (only complete if you wish to enter the prize draw)
1.Which inverter brand have you heard of?  *
 2. Which inverter brand have you purchased?    *
3. Out of the following inverter brands, which would you recommend to others? *
4.  Out of following inverter brands, which one do you like the most?  ? *
5.  Out of following inverter brands, which one do you think is the most influential? *
6.Out of following inverter brands, which one do you think markets their brand the best? *
In your own words, what do you know about Solis Inverters?
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