Partner Enquiry Form
Thanks for expressing interest in promoting your organisation, product, program or service with us! Please take a moment to read about our promotional packages before commencing this form.

This will take less than five minutes and on conclusion you'll receive a copy of your responses upon form completion. 

Any information you provide us with remains private and confidential and is used only for the purposes of helping us to assist you with your promotional enquiry. 
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Email *
About You
What is your full name? *
What is the name of your organisation? *
What is your role at the organisation? *
Please enter your LinkedIn profile URL below *
What is your mobile number? *
Where are you located? *
Your Goals
What outcome(s) are you are hoping to achieve by collaborating with us? *
What is the primary goal of your campaign with us? *
Can you describe your target audience demographic? *
What is your ideal length of a campaign or sponsorship with us? *
What approximate budget range do you have to support this potential collaboration?  *
Thanks for your enquiry and form completion. Stella or Mike will get back to you within a week to further discuss your submission. If you haven't heard back in this time frame please email
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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