Hold Harmless Agreement: I consent to have the currently scheduled services performed on my hair.I have released Java Dobson dba (Freshly Rooted LLC) from any responsibility and/or liability concerning the application, processing and/or consequences of the services I will receive today and during any future appointments. I release and hold Java Dobson dba (Freshly Rooted LLC ) harmless against any and all liability, damage, and /or expenses arising out of or in connection with actions, claims, and /or damages resulting of application and disabilities )physical and/or psychological) that I might incur as a result of application of these services. Due to any medication, current maintenance and condition of my hair Java Dobson dba (Freshly Rooted LLC) cannot honor the guarantee*. I understand that additional conditioning treatments, salon sessions and /or adjustments may be recommended or necessary(at an additional cost) for my hair. Maintenance and permanent damage to my hair is possible due to the application and/or current or future improper at home maintenance. The approximate costs of my services today have been thoroughly explained and I am obligated to pay in full immediately at the end of my service. By submitting this form I'm agreeing to all terms and service listed above *