First & Last Name *
Phone number *
Full mailing address (House,City,State & Zip) *
Email *
Facebook & Instagram Name *
Birthday (month/day) *
Are you taking medication? *
Emergency Contact Name & Phone Number *
Are you pregnant? *
How did you hear about the salon? *
Have you ever had any adverse reactions to chemicals? *
What & when was your last chemical service? *
Do you or have you had henna on your hair? If so, when? *
Do you use oils & butters on your hair? If so, what kind? *
What are your challenges with your hair? *
How do you wish to see yourself in the world? *
What are your hair goals? *
Appointment Cancellation Policy: In order to continue providing the best possible scheduling options to my guests, I do require 24 hours notice should you need to cancel or reschedule your visit with me. Should you cancel your appointment with less than 48 hours notice , you will be charged 50% of the full service cost & if you no call/no show your appointment you will be charged 100% of the full service cost. Understand that all appointment scheduling and canceling WILL NOT be done by Java Dobson. I WILL NOT accept cancellations through email, DM, call or text. This is highly inconvenient (I may be with another guest or on my off time) As the salon guest you have 24/7 access to your account in the salon booking system and are required to do so at your leisure. *
Service Re-Do & Retail Return Policy: I strive to offer my guests the highest level of guests satisfaction. If you are having challenges with your cut, color, style or extensions let me know within 3 days of your visit and I'm happy to correct the issue (if feasible) with no additional charge. For sanitary reasons there are no returns or exchanges on retail or virgin hair extensions. *
Hold Harmless Agreement: I consent to have the currently scheduled services performed on my hair.I have released Java Dobson dba (Freshly Rooted LLC) from any responsibility and/or liability concerning the application, processing and/or consequences of the services I will receive today and during any future appointments. I release and hold Java Dobson dba (Freshly Rooted LLC ) harmless against any and all liability, damage, and /or expenses arising out of or in connection with actions, claims, and /or damages resulting of application and disabilities )physical and/or psychological) that I might incur as a result of application of these services. Due to any medication, current maintenance and condition of my hair Java Dobson dba (Freshly Rooted LLC) cannot honor the guarantee*. I understand that additional conditioning treatments, salon sessions and /or adjustments may be recommended or necessary(at an additional cost) for my hair. Maintenance and permanent damage to my hair is possible due to the application and/or current or future improper at home maintenance. The approximate costs of my services today have been thoroughly explained and I am obligated to pay in full immediately at the end of my service. By submitting this form I'm agreeing to all terms and service listed above *
Salon Culture: It is our job to maintain the culture of Freshly Rooted Salon which is to have a satisfying, relaxing, fun, learning experience for discerning women. I require that you read the New Guest page on my website, Salon Policies, Services (for pricing). This is to ensure that everyone will have a stellar experience. Anytime before, during or after the appointment you're not willing to comply to those salon guidelines listed above, we are not a good fit. You'll have to receive salon services elsewhere. *
At Freshly Rooted Salon we take pictures and videos of all of our guests.  As you know over time social media has become the most common way and often times the only way to source reputable service providers.  With salons and stylists at the forefront, pictures and videos (before, during & after services) are a must to keep and gain new business.  This is probably how you found and vetted Freshly Rooted Salon. Social proof is now the lifeline and is vital to sustain a business. *
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