TCS Professional Learning Request Form
Please answer the questions regarding your professional learning request. Requests will be reviewed by your supervisor and an email from Melissa will be sent to you regarding your pending request.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Department *
Check the box that applies to you.
Role *
Name of Organization *
Please add the name of the organization that is hosting the workshop/conference.
Title of Workshop/Conference *
Date/s and Hours of Workshop/Conference *
Please attach a link to the workshop/conference. *
Describe your role at the workshop/conference. *
Presenter/instructor, committee member, attendee
Professional Practice and Student Learning Goal *
Give a brief narrative explaining how this professional learning opportunity supports your Professional Practice and/or Student Learning Goal.
Evidence of Professional Growth *
Explain briefly what you intend to gain from this experience and how it will contribute to your role at TCS. Provide examples of how you will share your experience with the TCS community (faculty/staff/students) upon your return.
Expenses for Workshop/Conference *
Please include an estimate for the following: travel (air/train/car), ground transportation, lodging (# of nights), registration fee, meals, other (describe) = Grand Total. Meals will be reimbursed at a per diem of $50 except when meals are provided. If driving to the conference/workshop, we will reimburse at $0.53.5 a mile.
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