In regards to the investment: I do prioritize pay in full clients, as this kind of intimate, immersive experience requires your TOTAL commitment. If you are
EXTREMELY committed to this experience, including your full participation with 100% certainty, and want to inquire about a payment plan option, please explain below & your request
will be considered, however please know that those paying in full will get first priority on the limited spaces available.
1:1 mentorship is an advanced experience, with higher personal accountability required as a prerequisite (including making ALL payments on time; if a payment is not made on a payment plan within 24 hours of the due date, I will cancel the rest of the container right then, with no refunds, regardless of whether we finish or not).
I have very limited spaces for longer-term 1:1 Mentorship & the pay-in-full financial commitment is my preference to attune my energy & support accordingly, as well as to accommodate the depths of the energetic space I'll be holding.
Are you able to pay in full for this?
If not, please explain your desire for a payment plan below...