1:1 Mentorship Application
Thank you so much for your interest in 1:1 Mentorship! 

This container is the most intimate & personalized way that I'm able to support you on your journey, so it's super important to me that I ask you a few questions to ensure this container is the best fit for us both at this time.

Please set aside about 10-15 minutes to fill out this form thoughtfully & intentionally.

Let's get into it...
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Welcome in...
What's your name? *
What's your email address? *
What time zone are you located in (I'm in EST/New York City)?  *
Your Intentions...
Have you ever worked with me before (purchased an e-course, had a 1:1 session(s) or been in a group program) *
Which duration of mentorship are you most interested in?  *
What drew you to me specifically for this kind of personalized, intimate support? 

What excites you most about expanding with my support? 
What do you feel is holding you back the most right now? 
What major shift or decision do you intend on committing to during this time together? 

This is the deepest, most important core driving factor that likely led you to apply for 1:1 Mentorship at this time.

Let this answer really come from your soul (not your logic or ego, lol)...
Have you experienced any type of [serious] trauma? And if so, have you already received the proper therapy or professional support for this? 

You don't need to go into the details here, but it's essential for me to know what kind of support you've received (if any) upfront, so far as staying within my own scope of practice, to ensure you're receiving what you need & that this style mentorship IS the best fit. 
Part of my gift to you is helping you prioritize pleasure & stay plugged into it on the daily (I'm talking romanticize your entire reality), especially when life hands you a plot twist. I'll also encourage you to carve out time to play...because what the fuck is the point of life otherwise, lol?! You're here to thrive, not be a robot.

On a scale of 0 - 
aka: "I'm on auto-pilot, overly-goals focused & feel like a zombie" -  to 10 - aka: "holy shit, my life is a slow, sensual dream & I'm absolutely thriving"...

...where would you say you currently fall on the spectrum? 

Be honest! This is a no-judgment zone. ;)
What's your current relationship statusSingle? Dating? In a partnership?

How is this going & would you like to see improvements in this area? 

If you'd like to see improvements, what specifically would you LOVE to be experiencing where intimacy, relationship or union are concerned?

Tell me a bit below (maybe 1-3 paragraphs)!
What is your current spiritual practice? (ex: meditation, mantra or chanting, breathwork, yoga, sound healing, etc.)

Do you have a consistent, daily practice at this time? 

If not, is this a high desire & priority for you? 

I'm a Tibetan Buddhist practitioner, so I weave in this style meditation & dharma (Buddhist philosophy) into what we'll be doing together. Cultivating a daily spiritual practice is a key component & requisite for my 1:1 Mentorship spaces, so it's important that you're open, excited & willing to deepen in this area of your life. 
Check all that completely apply to you & be RADICALLY honest:  *
Your Investment
I'm offering the 6-week container at $2,222 USD, pay in full
2 monthly payments of $1,144 USD

I’m offering the 3-month container at $5555 USD, pay in full
3 monthly payments of $1,899 USD

I'm offering the 6-month container starting at $8888 USD, pay in full
an option for a payment plan (we can discuss if you're interested) 

In regards to the investment: I do prioritize pay in full clients, as this kind of intimate, immersive experience requires your TOTAL commitment. If you are EXTREMELY committed to this experience, including your full participation with 100% certainty, and want to inquire about a payment plan option, please explain below & your request will be considered, however please know that those paying in full will get first priority on the limited spaces available. 

1:1 mentorship is an advanced experience, with higher personal accountability required as a prerequisite (including making ALL payments on time; if a payment is not made on a payment plan within 24 hours of the due date, I will cancel the rest of the container right then, with no refunds, regardless of whether we finish or not).  

I have very limited spaces for longer-term 1:1 Mentorship & the pay-in-full financial commitment is my preference to attune my energy & support accordingly, as well as to accommodate the depths of the energetic space I'll be holding. 

Are you able to pay in full for this? 

If not, please explain your desire for a payment plan below...
Anything else I should know? Drop it below!
Thank you so much for applying!
I will respond back to you via email within 48 hours of receiving your application.

Big love, 
Ali xx
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