Privacy Sandbox feedback form
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Privacy Sandbox feedback form
This form provides an opportunity to share feedback directly with the Chrome team working on the Privacy Sandbox. Feedback received through the feedback form may be aggregated for inclusion in the Chrome team’s public reports, without attribution.

While feedback via this form is welcomed, public discussion is essential to the collaborative development of the Privacy Sandbox APIs. We strongly encourage your engagement via the W3C, GitHub and other public forums. To learn more about where you can share feedback publicly, we offer the following resources:

  - For a complete set of Chrome’s proposal Explainers, please visit:

  - For general Privacy Sandbox developer support, please visit:

  - For more information, please visit:

Chrome will take account of reasonable views and suggestions received from all channels, including this form, and will identify common feedback themes and common feature suggestions for individual Privacy Sandbox proposals. For more information about how Google will respond to and report on feedback, see

PLEASE NOTE: Any input we receive, including from this form, may be disclosed in response to requests from regulators, such as the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority.
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