ECLIPSE SMP S8 signup! // read below
Please dm Polaris if you apply during our off application season! Or else he will not see it till our next application season in Feb/May

Hi! Welcome to my smp! We are an Origins smp with a bit of a fantasy theme!

It’s pretty modded (Your mc will need about 8 rams some do more or less)! If your pc can not handle at least the ultimate origins modpack on curseforge please do not apply! Otherwise go on ahead! (I can run this from my laptop relatively smoothly we have 97 mods). If you would like to test our pack join our community discord!

We play on 1.19.2 fabric with a custom built mod pack. We have a bit of prebuilt world lore as well that will be shared if you’re picked! This server is 18+! 

This is an rp based smp! You aren’t required to stream at all times but please do stream/record big events!

That’s about it! If you are picked and you have not played with me or one of the members I’ll have a quick discord call to get to know you!
Please be ready to accept a friend request on discord or have twitter dms open if you are accepted!
If you have any questions feel free to dm me on twitter or bsky !
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Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok *
What platform do you plan on making content for the smp on? *
Discord *
Bluesky *
Name + Pronouns *
Age *
What days do you stream! What times? Include your timezone! *
PC SPECS! Ram, graphics, ect *
Have you played dnd or rped before? *
What character do you plan on playing! For this round we allow characters from The Aether, The Void, Or Converted to Aetherian/Voidling (Allowing their original species to be whatever). We are primarily looking for Aetherians but will look at other ideas.

If someone recced you consider discussing your character idea with them! We are more likely to accept characters that already have some kind of link to the world (family, partner, enemies, aetherian, voidling ect)

If you need help with this feel free to dm me or just put a general idea for now!

Character Name:
From Where (The Aether, The Void):
Species: (Your origin! List power ideas if you have it!)
Tidbits?: (Personality! Things you like!)
Character Archetype:

* Cinematic Starter! We would love if you made some sort of video about your character or yourself! Introduce yourself or your character then link the video to us! (Art format works as well!)

If you would like to use our modpack and show of your building skills instead you can grab it from the discord!

* Finally if you are unable to do any of the above feel free to submit a clip/clip compilation of your stream! Just so we can get an idea of your personality

Please keep your submissions 5 minutes and under!
Do you watch any of our current streamers? how much lore do you know? (Its fine to not know any! but if you wanna read up join the discord!) *
Why should you be picked? Don’t think too hard on it! I’m just trying to get an idea of your personalities 💜 *
Did someone Recc you! Who was it! *
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