Young Laureates Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Young Laureates!

We are a passionate organization dedicated to supporting Black homeschooling families in Henry County, GA. We rely on the dedication of our volunteers to create a thriving and empowering community.

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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Contact Number *
Please indicate your availability to volunteer by selecting all that apply:
Please elaborate on your availability within the selected weekdays and weekend options. Are there specific days you are more available? (e.g., I am available weekday mornings on Tuesdays and Thursdays only.) *
What skills and experience would you like to contribute to Young Laureates Inc.? Check all that apply  

We're Open to All Skills! Young Laureates Inc. thrives on the diverse talents of our volunteers. In addition to the listed skills, if you have any other expertise or experience you'd like to share, please feel free to detail them in the "Other" section.   
Are you interested in working directly with homeschooled children? 
Do you have any specific areas of expertise or interests related to Black history and culture that you would like to share? (Optional)
In the space below, please tell us briefly why you're interested in volunteering with Young Laureates Inc.
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your qualifications or interest in volunteering? (Optional)
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