Flock Website Revamp - Feedback Survey
This survey is intended to collect feedback from the fedora community about the recently released https://fedoraproject.org/flock webpage. It is intended to be a single way to keep track of all the feedback about the site, gathered as part of the announcement process and during conversations at Flock 2024. It is a completely anonymous survey, and the data will be used by the Fedora Community Operations team to continually improve the Flock website for next year
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I have seen other conference websites or attended other conferences
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I would say the new flock website is...
Worse than other similar websites
Far better than other similar websites
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I feel like I know who the sponsors are for this year's conference
Couldn't tell you
Yes I remember all of them
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Where does the site struggle most?
What aspects of the site do you feel are most valuable/useful?
Is there anything you would like to see on the site that is not there now?
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