Survey of Graduating Students - CECOS University.

(To be filled out by graduating students in last semester / year before the award of degree) The survey seeks graduating students’ input on the quality of education they received in their program and the level of preparation they had at university. The purpose of this survey is to assess the quality of the academic programs. We seek your help in completing this survey.

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Email Address (CECOS University): 

Name / Reg. No: *
Degree Obtained: 
Year of Graduation *

1.      The environment provided by the program was conducive for my learning (PLO-1)


2.        The program is effective in enhancing team-working capability. (PLO-9)


3.        In this program I learnt how to investigate and solve complex problems (PLO-4)


4.        The program is effective in developing analytical skills. (PLO-2)


5.          The program is effective in developing written and verbal communication skills. (PLO-10)


6.         The program is effective in developing management skills. (PLO-11)


7.         The contents of curriculum are at par with the local and global practices. (PLO-3)


8.            The faculty members are supportive in learning. (PLO-12)


9.            The program provides opportunities for discussion on issues of national and international importance. (PLO-3)


10.      The program provides knowledge of sustainable development and environmental effects of proposed solution. (PLO-7)


11 (A).  The program provided sufficient opportunities through FYP to implement knowledge gained during studies. (PLO-1)


11 (B).  The program provided sufficient opportunities through PBL to implement knowledge gained during studies. (PLO-2)


11 (C).  The program provided sufficient opportunities through OEL to enhance my investigation ability. (PLO-4)


12.         The labs are reasonably equipped for gaining hands on experience. (PLO-5)


13.          Scholarships/ grants were available to students in case of hardship. 


14.              The institute promotes co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.


15.           The infrastructure of the department was adequate for conducive learning.


16.       The administration of the institute is facilitative.


17.          Your life in hostel was comfortable.


18.          The food in central mess was hygienic and up to standard.

19.        I learnt a useful set of generic skills such as:

(a)  Critical thinking (PLO-1)


(b)  Analytical thinking (PLO-2)


(c)  Compose information (PLO-4)


(d)  Lifelong learning (PLO-12)


(e)  Management of time and resources (PLO-11)


(f)  Professional ethics (PLO-8)


 (g)  Leadership (PLO-12)

20.     The internship experience is effective in enhancing 

(a)  Ability to work in teams (PLO-9)


(b)  Work ethics (PLO-8)


(c)  Professional development (PLO-7)


(d)  Time management skills (PLO-11)


(e)  Discipline (PLO-8)


(f)  The link between theory and practice (PLO-6)

What are the best aspects of your program?
What aspects of your program could be improved?
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