Rage Day: Golden Bay

Rage Club is a space for you to begin or continue the process of becoming initiated to conscious anger. 

In modern culture we are deeply conditioned that it is not OK to be angry because “Anger is one of the negative feelings,” and “anger is dangerous, loud, embarrassing, uncivilized”. People learn to suppress their anger, leading to exactly the unconscious manifestations of anger that we are trying to avoid!; reactivity, resentment, explosiveness, or the flip side of the coin; passivity, adaptivity and 'implosion'.

Believe it or not, it is not a mistake you can feel angry. Nature did not mess up that badly. Conscious rage is a resource and an archetypal force that you can jack into in service to your life, empowering your capacity to relate and to create. 

Conscious anger can be used to:
  • Say "No!" or "Stop!".
  • say “Yes!” (by the way, you can only say yes, if you can say an authentic no, otherwise your yes is a lie).
  • change things, move things, stop things, start things, invent things.
  • make distinctions (just wait until you discover that distinctions are more powerful than boundaries!).
  • say what you want, or say what you don’t want.
  • commit, keep promises.
  • get rid of things.
  • stay centered in tricky situations.
  • communicate clearly and concisely.
  • build the 'gameworld' / culture that you want to live in.
  • distinguish between your feelings and other people's feelings.
  • distinguish between your feelings and your emotions.
  • take a stand for something or for someone.
  • take action.
  • hold space.
  • maintain integrity.
  • make clear boundaries.
  • decide.
  • an inexhaustible source of energy for being your destiny in action.
  • Be present! If you are not present, who is running your life? Possible answers: Your mother, your partner, your kids, your job, your dog, your television, your addictions, Friday evenings, your circumstances, the government, your beauty standards, your opinions and beliefs…

How can you use your anger for all this you ask? Well, first you would have to own it, instead of it owning you.

Welcome to Rage Club.


Tristan Girdwood & Sanne Bongers

020 4035 0485

027 460 2474

$100 - $150 (you choose your payment within sliding scale)
Repeater price: $80-$150
NZ Bank transfer or cash. Details below.

27th August 2024
9.30am - 4.30pm

East Takaka Hall, 416 East Takaka Road.

By taking part in Rage Club, you take responsibility for your own experience. You decide which exercises you do and which you do not do. We 100% support you in expressing your boundaries and taking care of yourself wisely.
Rage Club is not a therapy and does not replace it, although it may have a therapeutic effect. It is not recommended for people with diagnosed serious mental problems. By signing up for this training you take responsibility for informing the trainer before the start of Rage Club about present or past experiences such as depression, neurosis, anxiety, suicide attempts, crisis, psychosis, psychotherapy (in progress), or if you are on medication or taking drugs.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your full name
Your email address
Your phone number
Your registration is confirmed upon payment to:

Reference: Rage Club

or cash (email me to arrange)

You choose your payment within sliding scale in description above.
Do you have any present or past experiences such as depression, neurosis, anxiety, suicide attempts, crisis, psychosis, psychotherapy (in progress), or if you are on medication or taking drugs?
Please share any relevant details that the facilitator needs to be aware of.
Do you have any questions? Or anything else that you want to share?

Feel free to give Tristan or Sanne a call if you would like to connect and talk beforehand.

Tristan: 020 4035 0485
Sanne: 027 460 2474
Welcome to Rage Club!!!
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