We are having a drop in member meeting, from 10am-1pm at 90 Church St New York, NY 10007 on December 11th in the conference room.
Information will be disseminated regarding the following:
Worker Health and Safety Bill of Rights
PEF Occupational Safety and Health Department Information
Steps to take in a Workers Compensation Case
Article 13 workers compensation
Your Rights and Obligations for standby ON -Call and Recall Assignments
Safety in the workplace Survey
Assault, Trauma, &Captivity Coverage (ATAC)
Trauma Counseling
Tuition Reimbursement and other Negotiated benefits under Article 15 Professional Development Programs
Anthem Dental Plan
Come get the Information you need to make important Decisions.
Hope to see you there!
Please RSVP below.
In Solidarity,
Please RSVP below.
Best regards,
Division 357 Council