Holiday Schedule Submission
Thank you for helping us prepare for the holiday season. We handle a wide variety of industries and each handles the holidays in their own way. We've endeavored to give some information on the impact each holiday has on our schedule and basic options you can choose in order to adjust. In each section we've placed the most common choice at the top. If your office doesn't respond we will have to assume the most common practice will be in place for your office. Thank you for your help.
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Adresse e-mail *
Company Name (if you company has more than 1 location please specify which location your representing) *
Your Name *
Phone Number *
Veteran's Day *
Additional Notes or service modifications for the above listed minor holidays.
Major Holidays
On the major holiday's below Dash Delivery Inc will not be running any routes unless you as our client specifically request service. Holiday charges will apply.
Thanksgiving Day *
Christmas Day *
New Years Day *
Additional Notes or service modifications for the above listed major holidays.
Holiday Adjacent Days
Days surrounding major holidays are often effected by multiple closures. Black Friday in particular results in 80% of our clients being closed. As a result we do not plan on making our usual routes unless contacted by those few clients that are open. For each of these days we have included the options. The top choice is the one we expect to be the most common and if we do not hear from you we will assume it applies to your office. Due to the prevalence of early closures ranging from 12pm to 4pm we may not be able to accommodate all schedule changes, please be specific and as flexible as possible.
Black Friday *
Christmas Eve - 12/24 *
New Years Eve - 12/31 *
Additional Notes or service modifications for the above listed adjacent holidays.
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