Share your thoughts on the West Oakland Link Design
Thank you for joining our West Oakland Link Design Deep-dive, and for taking the time to share your comments and questions. You can complete this form as we go through the presentation, or you can wait until we're done.

We will anonymize any information shared with project planners. Any personally identifiable information you choose to share with us (e.g. your name or email) will not be shared with anyone outside of WOEIP unless you give your written consent at the end of this survey. If you have questions, please email

About the West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project (WOEIP):
We are a resident-led nonprofit that has spent the past 20 years fighting for healthy homes, healthy jobs and healthy neighborhoods for all who live, work and play in West Oakland. We use Collaborative Problem-Solving and Community-Based Participatory Research methods to empower impacted residents with the tools to participate in the political, social, and natural forces that impact their lives.
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Do you live or work in West Oakland?
It's okay if you don't; we just want to understand who we're reaching.
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First, we'll ask you some questions about different segments of the Link. Feel free to answer these as we go through the presentation.
The questions provided are intended as prompts to get you thinking. Feel free to be as detailed as you like, ask questions, share concerns, etc. There are no wrong opinions!

We suggest opening the meeting slides in another window as you complete your feedback, for easy reference.
1. How would you like to see the Mandela Parkway Gateway segment take shape?
You might consider:
  1. What do you expect to announce a beginning of an urban trail? How should this trail announce its beginning?
  2. Is this a place to tell an important history or story?
  3. How can the trail accommodate safety and equity for all multi-modal users on this segment of the trail?
  4. What are things you like about Mandela Parkway and how can this connect to them?
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2. How would you like to see the West Grand Alley segment take shape?
You might consider:
  1. The alley is going to be a car-less street. What elements would make it welcoming? What would increase your feeling of safety?
  2. At ground level, what kinds of planting might you imagine (trees, gardens, etc)?
  3. The Wood Street connection is an underpass, is it a good opportunity for public art or planting?
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3. How would you like to see the Frontage Road Loop take shape?
You might consider:
  1. Are there unique opportunities for views or landscape experiences that should be noted?
  2. What elements would make this winding journey more comfortable (e.g. seating, water)?
  3. Should the loop have an overhead element?
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4. How would you like to see the Maritime Street segment take shape?
You might consider:
  1. What could frame or connect to the long views towards the Port and the water?
  2. What would be an incentive to use the bike path from Maritime Street (a fun lookout, rest stop, sculpture, a bike station)?
  3. How often should we provide rest areas or lookouts?
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5. How would you like to see the Touchdown segment take shape?
You might consider:
  1. The touchdown connects with multiple existing bike trails. What would help direct you? Where would you want signs or maps?
  2. What experience seems most important to you to locate at this transition point?
  3. This is on the ground; what kind of planting should happen here?
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When you think about a walking and biking path through West Oakland to the Bay Trail, which of the following things are most important to you?
Select up to 3 responses.
Do you have safety or health concerns about using the West Oakland Link?
Please describe your concerns or thoughts in as much detail as you'd like.
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