Emerson-Garfield Farmers' Market
This is the vendor application for the twelfth season of the Emerson-Garfield Farmers' Market.

Markets take place every Friday starting June 6 through September 26, 2025 – a total of 17 dates.

The market can accommodate 30+ vendors. During a typical season, the average daily vendor count is around 25. There may be adjustments to vendor counts and market operations depending on factors like heat, smoke and public health emergencies.

Fees should not be paid until you have been notified of acceptance. Applications are approved on a rolling basis.

Our market is a proud member of the Washington State Farmers Market Association (WSFMA) and operates in accordance with that organization's mission and policies.
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Contact Information
Name of Business *
Enter the full name of your business or booth.
Name of Business Owner *
Please enter your full name.
Description of Business and Products *
Describe in detail the type(s) of product(s) you will be selling. We'll use this info to promote your booth.
General Price Range of Products *
Enter the lowest and highest prices of your products (e.g., $5 to $15)
Primary Phone *
Enter your preferred phone number (e.g., cell)
Alternate Phone
Enter a backup phone number (e.g., home or work)
E-mail Address *
Enter a valid e-mail address that you check regularly.
Mailing Address *
Enter your postal mailing address (including city, state, ZIP)
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