Clock Buddies Generator Feedback
We hope the Clock Buddies Generator has been a useful tool for you when running your courses. We love to know how you use it and what you think of it. We will improve it based on what you need. 
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How easy was it to use the Clock Buddies Generator?  *
Tell us about  any new features you like to see in the tool. Do you like the tool to support other group sizes, calculate with conditions, present results in different ways, etc. 
Tell us about any aesthetic customisations you like the tool to support.
Are the instructions given adequate? If not, please raise questions here. If you provide your e-mail below, we can get back to you with an answer or when we have updated the instructions. 
What do you use the Clock Buddies Generator for?  *
Have you used Clock Buddies in novel ways? Please let us know and we can share your ideas with the training community.

You can optionally provide your email if you want us to come back to you with an answer about your feedback. 
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