VRCC Room Rental REQUEST Form                        (THIS IS NOT A BOOKED RESERVATION)
This form is designed to be a REQUEST only (this does not guarantee or book your rental).

This form is a first come, first serve basis. If multiple people request the same room within the same times, the party who filled out the form FIRST will be contacted.

No rental will be booked without signing the contract and putting down a deposit at the VRCC first.


Please note that your rental can be canceled at any given time if mandates or regulations change due to COVID-19 or any other unforeseeable events. Rentals are hereby at your own risk only if permitted.

If mandates change, we will contact those who have filled out a request to potentially book a rental.
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Full Name *
First and Last Name 
Email Address  *
Make sure your email is correct before hitting submit 
Phone Number *
Street Address *
Resident Type *
Only residents can book rentals at the resident rate.
Desired Date (NOT TODAY'S DATE) *
Select your desired date.
Desired Times *
Rental times MUST include set up and clean up. Example: Johnson family books 12pm-4pm which means no one from the Johnson party may arrive before 12pm to set up and they must be cleaned up, paid for, and gone at 4pm. Additional fees incur for arriving early or leaving late.  Please include times as follows  - Example   1pm - 4pm
Set up and clean up must be within contract times *
I understand that my set up and clean up times must be included in the times listed on my contract. Example 1-4pm. You could not come before 1pm and you must be paid for, cleaned up, and out the door at 4pm or other charges will incur.
Desired Room(s) *
Approx. Attendance   *
Example: 40 people kids and adults
Type of Event *
Please select the best option for your event. Use "other" if you need to fill in your own.
Who is this rental on behalf of? *
Examples: Myself, Joe's and Kate's wedding, etc.
Will you be having food or drinks at your event? *
You may bring in any food you desire. Alcohol must only be given to those 21+ and may NOT be sold (can only be given away).
Please Read Carefully
I certify and acknowledge that I have read the form description and realize that this form is used only as a REQUEST and that this form does NOT guarantee or book my rental. No rental shall be approved and booked without signing the contract and putting down a credit card deposit at the VRCC first. I am aware that my rental, even after potentially being booked may get canceled at any given time if mandates and regulations change. *
We do NOT book over the phone. Once we've received your request, we can contact you to come in and put down the deposit and sign the contract to make your reservation official. If we cannot accommodate your request, you will be contacted VIA email provided. *
Questions or comments
Please make sure your email at the top is correct as this will be the best way to contact you.
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